Working Girls, September 9, 2011
[dcs_p]Franco had a swank party last night–supposedly in honor of some pop-star who’s doing the diva round, but I never heard of the girl, and I wasn’t impressed when I met her. Victor thought she looked anorexic, but then, most of these girls do. Anyway, Franco had top-notch entertainment, and we ordered some Dom, sitting upstairs in the VIP suite when a couple of working girls showed. They were lovely Eastern European girls with bad English and beautiful bodies. Stood-up by their dates, they wanted to hang with my group–although none of my guys were buying.[/dcs_p]Victor has a soft spot for these third world hustlers, and he got them drunk on Dom while listening to their life stories. They wanted to give him a private party, but he refused. He says they’re too young and pretty, and they shouldn’t be selling their bodies. I heard him say he’s going to help one of them get an extended VISA and a regular job, but I think that’s the champagne talking. At least, I hope it is. Victor’s getting too sentimental.[/dcs_p][dcs_p]Working Girls was written in the voice of Patricia Bellomo’s main character, mobster Louie Morelli. Bellomo’s books are available at and on all e-readers.