Mob Blog: Tokyo Blue, June 30, 2014
[dcs_p]In Louie’s words …[/dcs_p][dcs_p]
Seven o’clock on Wednesday. We’re in Lauderdale on a business matter, and Victor says, “Lou, let’s go get lobster at Tokyo Blue.”[/dcs_p][dcs_p]
Tokyo Blue is an Asian joint in the Ocean Manor Resort Hotel on Galt Ocean Drive. Hotel and restaurant are owned by a friend of Victor’s, a guy named Frank Talerico. Frank did a pretty swell job with Tokyo Blue’s décor. The bar is a solid slab of glass backlit by cobalt-blue lighting. It’s a pretty big bar, with some lounge-style seating. Frank’s barmaids aren’t bad to look at either.[/dcs_p][dcs_p]
Tokyo Blue is called an ‘Asian Fusion lounge.’ I’m not a sushi guy, but you can’t beat the all-you-can-eat lobster priced at 49.99 on Wednesday evenings. Not that Victor or I are concerned with prices. It’s not as though Victor’s on a budget, and he eats all he can whenever he can, but the lobster at Tokyo Blue is Maine lobster and Frank’s people do a good job with it.[/dcs_p][dcs_p]
Cocktails first, at the bar. We eye some of the girls heading into the dining room. This week, they’re all on vacation. Most are young, all are scantily dressed.[/dcs_p][dcs_p]
We stay seated at Tokyo Blue’s bar, order our lobster. It’s delicious. I do two plates, and Victor goes for four or five. But, hey, he’s a big guy.[/dcs_p][dcs_p]
Victor tells Frank the lobster is “outstanding.” He says to the barmaid, “Doll, bring us another round.”[/dcs_p][dcs_p]
No blended malt whisky tonight but a mild Sauvignon Blanc to complement the lobster, chase the sweetness from my throat. I eye the décor—ice blue with splashes of violet—a pair of studded and turquoise-finned headless mermaids, a large aquarium. I recall that Tokyo Blue got a lot of fanfare when they opened a few years ago, bringing in top name sushi chefs.[/dcs_p][dcs_p]
I sip my wine and think of think about the days ahead of me. I have to meet a man tomorrow and then I’m skipping town, taking my family to the Gulf for the 4th of July weekend. It’s a safe bet I won’t be eating any lobster, but hey, you never know.[/dcs_p][dcs_p]
If you enjoyed Tokyo Blue, you may consider reading one of Patricia Bellomo’s mob thrillers. Books include, Louie Morelli’s Mistress, Stella di Mare, and Louie Morelli’s Daughter. [/dcs_p][dcs_p]
Tokyo Blue was written in the voice of Patricia’s main character, savvy mobster, Louie Morelli. Tokyo Blue is real, Louie is Bellomo’s creation.[/dcs_p][dcs_p]Books available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and in all e-reader formats. Also available on AmazonUK and AmazonEU.
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