The New Mob, April 15, 2011
A few months back my buddy, Leo, is getting out of bed on a Monday morning, and the cops break down his door. They came in like storm troopers, a whole friggin swat team with drug sniffing dogs and automatic rifles. Supposedly, they’re looking for drugs–they got a tip from some loser snitch trying to get brownie points. But my buddy is a sixty-six year old book with a wife and two daughters, both of whom they hold at gunpoint while they haul him off to jail.[/dcs_p]
[dcs_p]The cops are from a neighboring city, but they’re a special task force empowered by the Feds, and they can go anywhere in the state of Michigan. It sounds to me like the FBI is outsourcing their dirty work, and dirty work it is. The team spends twelve hours in Leo’s house. They order a series of pizzas and carry-outs, drink a case of Budweiser, and destroy his house. It’s unlivable when they’re done, and Leo has to bring in a contractor to repair the holes in the walls and ceilings. And what do the cops get for this? Two unregistered firearms and three joints.[/dcs_p]
[dcs_p]They’ll get him on the firearms, and he knows it. They busted him on a Monday during Football season–payday, if you’re in this business, and Leo had ninety-eight grand in the house. When his lawyer gets the roster on items seized during the raid, they’re showing ten thousand dollars in cash. How’s that for good police work? Sounds to me like there is a new mob in town.[/dcs_p]