Stone Crabs And Suicide, November 3, 2011
[dcs_p]Business meet at the Marriott on Biscayne Bay, and then to Joe’s Stone Crab for lunch. The Stella’s in slip at the Miami Marina, south of the MacArthur, so it’s not out of my way. Victor’s with me, of course. We call up Nathan, and he’s available, and at the last minute Franco joins us. So it’s the four of us in Joe’s dining-room, which is a blend of old Florida and old south. No frills, and the best stone crabs in South Florida.[/dcs_p] Nathan’s relaxed today, casually mentions a recent trip to New York. Victor and I exchange glances, and I can tell we’re on the same wavelength because a French diplomat assigned to the UN hung himself in his penthouse apartment. Not to be crass, but staged suicide is Nathan’s specialty. This diplomat’s death has been all over the news—one of those things. I casually mention this, and Nathan gives me a look, and now I know.[/dcs_p][dcs_p]Stone Crabs and Suicide was written in the POV of Patricia Bellomo’s main character, mobster Louie Morelli. If you enjoyed this anecdote, you may wish to consider buying one of her books. [/dcs_p][dcs_p]Available on and on all e-readers.