Politicians & Prostitutes, July 10, 2013
In Louie Morelli’s words …
My favorite politician has been in the news lately. He was caught having sex with a prostitute. I’m not the least bit surprised. In fact, I’ve fixed him up on several dates throughout the years. But the senator puts on the good-ole boy upstanding citizen act, and now he’s blubbering away on the news. Making a damned fool of himself.
What is it with politicians & prostitutes?
What is it with politicians and prostitutes? I’ve never known one who didn’t pay and play. And this guy paid and played so much it’s a wonder he didn’t get caught before.
They’ve been showing pictures of the prostitute—a low-grade escort with a fake rack. Not even a looker. My favorite politician gets on the phone to me. “I’m flying down this weekend,” he tells me. The senator has a place in Palm Beach. We sometimes do lunch or a game of golf, when the cameras aren’t spying, that is. “I’d like to talk to you.”
I tell him I’m busy. He senses my coolness and starts to explain about the scandal. He apologizes to me. I could give a damn what he does, but this politician is in Washington because of me, and he knows he’s messed up. And I really am angry. I’ve got a lot invested in him. And now he’s involved with this bimbo prostitute. He has the nerve to tell me that he cares for her.
“She might not feel the same way,” I tell him. “She’s talking to the media.”
The senator admits this could be a problem. “She wants to be famous,” he says.
“Too bad for you.”
“I might have to pay her off. Or something like that,” he says. “How much … er … uh … would something like that cost?”
For a minute I don’t say anything. I can’t believe he just said this. And on a cell phone! I’m thinking … didn’t he give a news conference last week condemning the NSA for spying on us? Now I know I’ve bet on the wrong horse. I hang up without saying a word.
Patricia Bellomo is the author of the crime and mob thriller books, Louie Morelli’s Mistress, Stella di Mare, and Louie Morelli’s Daughter. Politicians & Prostitutes was written in the voice of her main character, Louie Morelli.
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