Perverts and Politics, June 7, 2011
[dcs_p] I have to laugh at this Congressman in New York, Anthony Weiner’s troubles. Victor and I are sitting at the bar in Bob Amante’s place in Deerfield, and this guy comes on the tube, blubbering about how sorry he is. Give me a break. Sorry he got caught, maybe. And how hard-up do you have to be to send pictures of yourself in the underwear your wife bought you, to try and entice some chick, especially one who’s two thousand miles away?[/dcs_p]
[dcs_p]Victor says it’s a pretty safe bet Weiner can’t get laid, and I have to agree. Having done business with politicians for years, I know how they operate. In fact, whenever I conduct business with any one of them, I tap the escort service my cousin, Anthony, sanctions and send the pol a freebie. Since they’re usually a bunch of squares with active fantasy lives who have no idea of how to talk to a woman, they’re always grateful. When I was in New Orleans, I used to send the girls by limo up the road to Baton Rouge, but I’ve flown pretty girls to D.C. and New York and Miami and Vegas … wherever the players are. Too bad Weiner’s never done business with me. I would have made sure he actually got laid without getting caught. But then, he’d be beholden to me.[/dcs_p]