My Son’s Bimbo, September 9, 2011
My twenty-four year old son, Michael, lives in the New Orleans area. We’re a close family, and Michael visits often. Usually, he flies in for the weekend, but on this last visit he had some time off and decided to drive. He bought his bimbo girlfriend with him–the kind of girl his mother hopes he doesn’t marry. I think he’s smarter than this, but you never can tell. She’s certainly something to look at, blond, big baby-blues, and supersize implants. Throughout the visit she’s sweet as pie, putting on the nice girl act for Angie. But sometimes she acts loopy, and I know she’s smoking dope, and then Victor catches her with a baggie of prescription pills that could put a nursing home patient to shame. Michael’s apologetic. He claims she has “anxiety” issues. Yeah right, and I was born yesterday.
I tell him, “Just don’t do anything stupid, like marry her.” He gives me a look, rolling his eyes. “No chance, dad. I know she’s a bimbo.”[/dcs_p][dcs_p]
My Son’s Bimbo is told from the perspective of Patricia Bellomo’s main character, mobster Louie Morelli. If you enjoyed this anecdote, please consider buying one of her books. Available on and on all e-readers.