[dcs_p]Mob Blog: My Favorite Mobster, May 14, 2013[/dcs_p]
[dcs_p]“Who’s your favorite mobster?”[/dcs_p][dcs_p]
The question arose at a recent luncheon, where I was the keynote speaker to a ladies social club. I answered without hesitation. “Louie Morelli,” I said.[/dcs_p][dcs_p]
How can he not be? After all, I created him. The ladies appreciated this answer. They liked Louie too. In fact, some of them loved Louie. It’s true on page and off. Women do love Louie. They love him because he’s a dark hero–an enigmatic mobster who employs violent and, occasionally, underhanded methods. The ladies don’t mind that he cheats on his long suffering wife. They love Louie because he’s Louie—darkly handsome, filthy rich (not all of it come by honestly), and very powerful. Power is sexy. Louie is sexy. [/dcs_p][dcs_p]
It’s easy to love Louie because he exists on the pages of my novels: the ultimate badboy. Operating from a code of honor and possessing a suave sophistication that’s a bit like Bond, as in James Bond, Louie has his share of male admirers too. He’s a pretty cool cat. And he always gets the girl. [/dcs_p][dcs_p]
Frequently, mobsters in fiction come off as corny caricatures of Hollywood psychos. Bad to the bone. As an author, my advantage comes from having known a lot of Louie Morelli types in my life. And no, I don’t care to elaborate. Anyway, as Louie’s creator, I get to be prejudiced. Louie is my favorite mobster. How about you? Do you have a favorite mobster?[/dcs_p][dcs_p]
Patricia Bellomo writes about mobsters and millionaires in South Florida & New Orleans. Her books include Louie Morelli’s Mistress, Stella di Mare, and Louie Morelli’s Daughter. Books available on Amazon.com and Barnes and Noble