Mob Blog: Trick Or Treat, October 31, 2012
[dcs_p]Stella calls me at the office. “Daddy,” she says, “don’t forget it’s Halloween. We’re taking Isabella begging.”[/dcs_p][dcs_p]”Don’t worry, baby,” I say. “I haven’t forgotten.”[/dcs_p][dcs_p]Of course, I had forgotten all about Halloween. In fact, I made plans with a female acquaintance for a treat of a different sort. But family comes first, and now I call up my friend and tell her it’s a no-go. Trick or treat.[/dcs_p][dcs_p]Patricia Bellomo is the author of the crime thrillers, Louie Morelli’s Daughter and Stella di Mare. She writes about mobsters and millionaires in South Florida and New Orleans. This blog is written in the voice of her main character, Louie Morelli. Books available at Amazon, B&N, and in ebook format. [/dcs_p]Blog written in the voice of Bellomo’s main character, mobster Louie Morelli.