Mob Blog: No Thongs Allowed, May 4, 2012
[dcs_p]The week started with gusty winds and rain, but now the sun is shining and the surf is calm. The sea is smooth as glass, and Victor and I have decided to blow off the rest of the day. We take his Chris Craft south on the Intracoastal, docking at the Sands Patio Bar in Pompano. It’s barely noon and the place is already crowded. We’ve got some entertainment too; a drunk, frizzy-haired blond in a thong.[/dcs_p][dcs_p]Victor and I don’t mind thongs, but this broad is too old and too thin to be wearing one. Plus, she’s not very toned–her skin sagging with age and sun abuse. She’s putting on a little show, dancing about the patio and making sure everybody gets a peek. Unfortunately, she’s not much to look at. In fact, she’s a drunken nuisance. She asks Victor to take her for a boat ride, and he tells her, “Doll, no thongs allowed.”[/dcs_p]Patricia Bellomo is the author of the crime thrillers Stella di Mare and Louie Morelli’s Daughter. She writes about mobsters and millionaires in South Florida and Detroit.[/dcs_p][dcs_p]If you enjoyed, No Thongs Allowed, please check out Patricia’s books. Available at Amazon & B&N. Print and digital formats.