Mob Blog: Busted on the Stella di Mare, June 16, 2012
[dcs_p]I’ve got the Stella di Mare in slip at the Miami Marina. Victor and I came down yesterday morning, bringing along our girlfriends, the ones that “just want to have fun.” They’re also pretty damn good to look at. So it was the perfect afternoon, the girls were sunning themselves on deck and sipping a little of the bubbly and getting silly in the way that I don’t mind, when my son, Michael, shows up with three buddies in tow. So now I’m busted. And there’s no excuse–the girls don’t even put on their bathing suit tops. His friends are loving it. Michael says, “Dad,” and I put my arm around him and say, “Maybe you should call first.” I don’t ask him not to tell his mother; we both know he won’t.[/dcs_p]Patricia Bellomo is the author of the sexy crime thrillers, Louie Morelli’s Daughter and Stella di Mare. She writes about mobsters and millionaires in South Florida, New Orleans, and Detroit. Busted on the Stella di Mare was written in the voice of her main character, mobster Louie Morelli. Patricia’s books available at Amazon/B&N: Also all ebook formats.