Millionaire Mobster Blog: Beach Bum, May 25, 2012
[dcs_p]Las Olas Boulevard this morning to have a meet with a guy who’s looking to borrow a little cash. Now, you’ve got to figure by the time they get to me, they’ve already been shot down at the bank. But in this case the guy’s invisible–he doesn’t have a bank account, never applied for a loan in his life. And he’s fifty years old. He also happens to live in a high-rise at the corner of A1A & Las Olas; prime real estate in Fort Lauderdale.[/dcs_p]Still, he’s small time, supplying cannabis and cocaine to spring breakers and working girls. He tells me he was a spring breaker himself, arriving thirty years ago. The beach has been good to him, but he’s used too much of his own product. Plus, it’s getting harder and harder to make a buck. He’ wants the money to invest in a beach service operation, renting chairs and cabanas and jet-skis. He’s got the money for the inventory, but he needs to bribe a civil servant for the license. It turns out he has some kind of a record. I kind of like the guy, so I tell him yes. And just like that, we’re in business.