Millionaire Mobster Blog An Old Soldier, July 19, 2012
[dcs_p]Millionaire Mobster Blog An Old Soldier.
I‘m in Grand Isle visiting an old timer, a man who first worked for my father, and then for me. He’s a soft-spoken man, even now, eighty-eight years old and still going strong. He’s staying in a cottage up on stilts, front room cooled by a noisy window-unit that clicks off every now and then, leaving us with the faint sounds of boat motors and seagulls. The green island sits in the gulf, south of New Orleans. My father brought me here when I was a kid, to visit this very same man. He was a legend then, although now he’s been largely forgotten. But not by me. I visit whenever I can, a sort of surrogate son to a man who taught me to do some very unpleasant things. An old soldier, fading away.[/dcs_p]Patricia Bellomo is the author of the crime thrillers, Louie Morelli’s Daughter and Stella di Mare. She writes about mobsters and millionaires in South Florida, New Orleans, and Detroit. This blog is written in the voice of her main character, Louie Morelli. Books available at Amazon, B&N. Also in ebook formats. Millionaire Mobster Blog An Old Soldier.