March Madness
March madness and the weather in south Florida is spectacular. My bettors are calling in sporadically, and I’ve got both my phones running. I give them a time frame, but today is the first big day and nobody’s on schedule. I’m sitting on the patio of Latitudes, the beachside restaurant/bar in the Holiday Inn in Highland Beach. I’m taking a lady friend to lunch, and we’re enjoying the view, chatting nicely. Except my phones keep ringing. She doesn’t understand what I do and thinks it’s rude that I keep answering. But it’s business before pleasure, except when the bikini-clad ladies walk back and forth from the beach to the pool. I can’t help looking, and now she’s really annoyed.[/dcs_p][dcs_p]March Madness is a little anecdote based on one of Patricia Bellomo’s fictitious mobsters. Bellomo’s books are available on and on all e-readers.