Mafia Romance, the new genre.
I first stumbled upon the term Mafia Romance on Goodreads, and it gave me pause. I had to stop and think: Can the Louie Morelli series be classified as Mafia Romance?
There are parallels and nuances. The “Louie Morelli” series differs from traditional mob books as they are not mob stories but stories about mobsters. And, as irresistible mobsters go, you can’t beat cool, savvy Louie Morelli. He’s the ultimate bad boy, and my female readers adore him despite the fact that he’s a serial philanderer and, at times, a killer. But Louie adheres to an old fashioned code of honor.
Overall, the tone of the series is a bit more serious than contemporary romance, and there is the family drama, which complicates matters. My books are certainly not bodice rippers, although Louie’s dalliances do add up, and there is sexual content, but sex is not the overriding theme in any of the four books.
Defined as thrillers, all four books do cross genres in that they can also be classified as general or mainstream fiction with some violent content. They also qualify as suspense and intrigue, and of course, popular fiction: thrillers. They’ve also been described as “page turners” and “daring and suspenseful thrillers.”
There is an element of romance in all four novels, although Stella di Mare has the most appeal for romance readers, with Louie Morelli’s Mistress a close second. The gorgeous settings—sunny South Florida in Stella di Mare and New Orleans’s French Quarter in Louie Morelli’s Mistress—are in themselves romantic. And make no mistake: I do place my readers in the scenes, providing a seductive quality.
The biggest love story in each book, and the one fraught with the most tension, is the relationship Louie has with his long suffering wife, Angie. Louie loves Angie, but he’s never been faithful to her, and this causes quite a bit of conflict.
So, yes, in a sense my books do qualify as Mafia Romance. Or just plain good reads. Entertainment.
Please let me know what you think.
All books can be purchased at or online at Barnes and Noble. Signed copies are available through Bellomo’s website.