Louie’s oceanfront home, Delray Beach, Florida
[dcs_p]New Year’s is a family day. After a swank night at the Boca Beach Club, we slept in today. I actually slept in my wife’s bed last night—after thirty-five years of marriage this doesn’t happen too often. But Angie likes the holidays, and she was happy to invite me in.[/dcs_p]
Victor came over at noon. He’s in the kitchen with my mother-in-law, Maria, both of them bantering over whose sauce is superior. I’ll tell you, Maria makes the better sauce, but Victor is an awesome cook. I don’t tell her, but she doesn’t even come close. Today, he’s pounding veal and preparing it in Marsala gravy—he’s also got lasagna baking in the oven, and I can smell it.[/dcs_p]
I’m sitting on the terrace with my oldest son, Tony. His wife and two young boys are in the pool. I’ve got a hell of a spot here—my view is awesome, looking out over the Atlantic, my pool and spa defined by tall white columns. It’s a gorgeous day, seventy-three degrees and not a cloud in the sky. Angie is on the beach with our daughter, Stella. They are standing at the water’s edge, both wearing sunhats.[/dcs_p]
[dcs_p]I’m feeling sentimental and wondering if I should make a New Year’s resolution to stay faithful to Angie. She’s priceless and I do love her, but fidelity doesn’t seem possible. I mean, I tried it once … the first year of our marriage I remained loyal. But I was twenty-one years old, and there have been a lot of years and a lot of women in between.[/dcs_p]
Even as I’m thinking this, the phone clipped on my belt starts vibrating, and I pick it up and glance at the display screen and I see that it’s a girl I’ve been dating—her name is Rachel, and she is a raven-haired stunner. I don’t think I’ll answer, but then I recall how she looks in her shorts, and my New Year’s resolution is suddenly over and done with.[/dcs_p]