Golfcart Gestapo Strikes Again, November 17, 2011
[dcs_p]The holiday season isn’t even in full swing, and most of the snowbirds are still up north, but Delray Beach’s golfcart gestapo is cranking up the heat. A volunteer “civilian” force comprised of petty old men, retired cops, and wannabes, they’re meter maids on steroids–hot to ticket any perceived infraction. As usual–I don’t know how she does it–Angie’s in their path. Today, she takes her mother and aunt to Luna Rosa’s on A1A and Atlantic. Although they’re heavy on the garlic, Luna’s is a great little spot, and Angie likes to go there.[/dcs_p] Chauffeuring two elderly ladies with canes, Angie drops them at the door and then pulls into a handicapped on A1A, hanging the sticker on the rear-view mirror. As soon as she walks away, the gestapo pulls up and starts writing a ticket. My mother-in-law, watching from the restaurant’s patio, stomps over and starts giving the crusty old gent a piece of her mind–all of it in Italian, mind you. His reason for the citation: Angie doesn’t look handicapped. She’s not–but who is he to judge? She could have had a heart condition or some other ailment that makes walking difficult. In the end, my mother-in-law’s persuasive tongue saved the day, and the overzealous quack hopped back onto his golfcart in search of some other unsuspecting citizen to harrass.[/dcs_p][dcs_p]Golfcart Gestapo Strikes Again is a little anecdote written in the voice of Patricia Bellomo’s main character, mobster Louie Morelli. Bellomo’s mafia thrillers are available at, B&N, and on all e-readers.