Fantasy Football, January 12, 2012
[dcs_p]My talk radio pal Buddy Shuler used to be a sportscaster for the Saints. In fact, it’s where I first met him. Since we both live in South Florida and neither of us was able to be at the Dome last Saturday, Buddy invited me, Victor, and twenty of his friends over to watch the game. Buddy’s lavish Palm Beach estate has state-of-the-art media equipment, and we watched the Saints beat up the Lions on a theater-wide screen that made you feel like you were standing on the sidelines. Buddy put out a big spread, and everybody was happy. Everybody except the book who needed the Lions to cover and Buddy’s knock-out girlfriend.[/dcs_p]Rachel is as hot as a chick can be and Buddy thinks she is as pure as the driven snow, but I knew her before she was going with Buddy, and let me tell you, she’s no saint. She cornered me at the end of the 3rd quarter, dropping a hand onto my knee and leaning close to remind me of our previous connection. I let her know that I don’t disrespect my friends, not ever. But the thought lingered, and it was hard to concentrate on the game.