Family drama on the Stella di Mare, May 18, 2011
[dcs_]Stella’s feeing blue because her husband, Johnny, is a f___-up, and I’m furious about how he’s been treating my baby, but you’ll have to read Patricia Bellomo’s book, Louie Morelli’s Daughter, to see what I do about him. I don’t tell her how I feel, though. What’s the point? She knows I can’t stand him.[/dcs_p]
[dcs_p]Anyway, I’m trying to get her mind off of things, and I ask her if she wants to take a little boat ride down to Miami. Stella’s thrilled about it, and I tell my wife, and suddenly it’s turning out to be a family day, and Victor’s planning on stone crabs for lunch, and we’re all waiting at the Marina in Boca when Stella shows up with Johnny. It’s a beautiful south Florida day, but it feels like the sun goes out of the sky. Stella comes aboard, and I can see she’s been crying. Angie says to me, “Louie, be nice,” but I’m having a tough time holding my temper, and I do all I can to keep myself from throwing Johnny overboard.[/dcs_p]