Diamond Dealer, December 15, 2011
[dcs_p]In the Big Apple for a little holiday splurge. Angie’s with me on this trip; in fact, it was her idea. Anyway, we had dinner at Keen’s Steakhouse last night, an old Manhattan tradition. Sort of like an old boy’s club, but not the type of club I’ve ever belonged to. It’s old money, Waspish, but the lamb chops are worth stopping in for.[/dcs_p]Anyway, I met an associate of mine from back when I was in the jewelry business. The guy was a real hustler, working every angle. He”s all burned out now, and walking with a cane. He used to work out of the diamond district. He tells me everything went south after 9-11, the Feds swooping in like vultures. I asked him how come he never got popped, and he looks a little sheepish, and then I remember hearing that he turned in some players. He made me a lot of money, and I wish him well, but I’m glad I got out when I did.[/dcs_p][dcs_p]Diamond Dealer was written from the point of view of Patricia Bellomo’s main character, mobster Louie Morelli.[/dcs_p][dcs_p]Bellomo’s mafia thrillers include Louie Morelli’s Daughter and Stella di Mare. Books available at Amazon, B&N, and on all e-readers.