Mob Blog: Athena by the Sea, Lauderdale by the Sea, Florida
[dcs_p]This Greek restaurant is a great place for breakfast. Appropriately, it’s called Athena by the Sea and sits at the corner of A1A and Commercial. Victor and I like to stop in from time to time. He’s sitting across the table from me—no booths for us. They’re too hard to get out of and Victor always feels trapped sitting in them. He should, he’s a big guy.[/dcs_p]
[dcs_p]Victor’s working his way through Athena’s four-egg omelet with ham and peppers, and I’m doing eggs with potatoes. The coffee’s good and hot, not too strong. It’s a Monday morning, and the start of a work-week. Contrary to what you might think, I do work. The best part is that my company, L&M Enterprises is all legitimate. It has to be. The Feds are crawling up my ass every other month with audits.
[dcs_p]Which reminds me: I’m going to have to get down to the Cayman’s and do a little banking. I have a couple of accounts in banks there that the Feds don’t know about. But I’m really not at liberty to discuss the details.[/dcs_p][dcs_p]Athena by the Sea is told from the point of view of Patricia Bellomo’s mian character, mobster Louie Morelli. If you enjoyed this little anecdote, please check out Bellomo’s mafia thrillers. Available on Amazon.