Action at Bob Amante’s, May 6, 2011
Hanging at Bob Amante’s bar talking to my favorite bartender, Joey. I’ve got my phones with me, and I’m taking action because I’ve got the NBA playoffs and the NHL and this weekend’s the Derby, but I’ve only got a few horse bettors and they won’t be calling until Saturday morning. It’s a nice evening–they usually are in south Florida–and the warm air is coming in through the open door, and the place is bustling. They’ve got the black guy playing out on the street tonight. He used to be with KC and the Sunshine Band, and he’s good, gets the girls up and dancing. It’s the end of the season, and the crowds in Deerfield Beach are thinning, but Bob Amante’s little family place should stay busy all summer. I won’t be here, though. I’m heading north next week.When the season changes, I go north for my action.[/dcs_p][dcs_p]Action at Bob Amante’s is a little anecdote reflective of one of PAtricia Bellomo’s characters. Bellomo writes about mobsters and millionaires in South Florida. Books available at and on all e-readers.