Mob Blog: Secret Sex, April 15, 2012
[dcs_p]How shocking … the Secret Service is paying hookers in Colombia. So what else is new? I just hope they weren’t taxpayer funded trysts. But then, it looks like one agent ruined it for his pals by arguing over a $47 fee. You’ve got to be kidding me. Don’t we pay civil servants enough to cover their recreational habits? A $47 piece of ass: Of course, it is Colombia we’re talking about, and it sounds like the little gal spent the night. Hmm. Jesting aside, this Secret Service sex is nothing new. I know, because once upon a time I sanctioned an escort service that supplied the feds.[/dcs_p]Patricia Bellomo is the author of the crime thrillers Stella di Mare and Louie Morelli’s Daughter. She writes about mobsters and millionaires in South Florida andNew Orleans. If you enjoyed Secret Sex, check out Patricia’s books. Available on Amazon & B&N.