South Beach Pimp, March 25, 2011
Trash has been hanging around Franco’s. Franco doesn’t mind the working girls, but lately their pimps have been coming in to check on them. He throws them out, but Franco’s is where the action is, and the girls come back. Their pimps stay away, except for one piece of work named Lionel.
Lionel deals dope and skanky girls. Franco doesn’t even want his girls in the joint, and he gives instructions to security, but Lionel takes personal offense and tells Franco he’s going to “shoot up the joint”. Franco calls me and I send Victor down to Miami to set things straight, and now Lionel’s girls are showing up at the nightclub again. But guess what? No Lionel. I did say Victor was good, didn’t I?[/dcs_p][dcs_p]
This blog was written in the voice of Bellomo’s main character, mobster Louie Morelli. If you enjoyed this anecdote, please check out her Miami Beach thriller, Stella di Mare.
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